North America's leading research entities will expedite experiments with novel cell analytics platform
FenoLogica Biosciences, a Seattle-based biotechnology firm, is pleased to announce five new pilot customer sites for its' Cloud-based cell analytics platform. The company has secured collaboration agreements with research entities in Toronto, Silicon Valley, Wisconsin, San Diego and Vancouver, BC.
"Given our scale of experiments, we are very interested in integrating new imaging technology to further enhance our methods. While we have many automated technologies at our disposal for preparing and handling thousands of sample plates, we have limited image analysis tools that allow us to easily capture colony phenotypes over time. We are eager to use FenoLogica's technology to easily collect longitudinal data, as it can be more informative than endpoint measurements by revealing the dynamic behavior of the samples. We cannot easily generate or analyze this type of temporal data with available tools." - Pilot Customer
For decades, scientists have not been able to quickly and easily access and analyze the valuable information available in biological pathways. FenoLogica's platform expedites the research, making what once took years now take a matter of months.
"FenoLogica’s technology is incredibly interesting for our research because it is the first bioinstrumentation tool that easily collects large volumes of image data (accommodating a library of strains and collecting data over time) and analyzes synthetically engineered microbial sample types. We currently quantify growth rates manually for the most sensitive measurements, which are time consuming, laborious, and make it difficult to create reproducible phenotypes. FenoLogica’s technology will significantly expand our scale of study while also providing accurate, quantitative image data. We are very excited to take part in a pilot study of FenoLogica’s prototype system, and we look forward to participating in the early development of this impactful technology and collecting early image data!" - Pilot Customer
"We're very excited that our technology has received such an enthusiastic reception in the research community," Sean MacLeod, FenoLogica CEO, said. "Our pilot customer sites unanimoulsy agree that our platform meets a critical need, and that our unique technology will provide data that is currently not approachable or actionable with on-market tools."
FenoLogica's pilot program is currently underway. The company expects to begin releasing data from the experiments in Q4.
Contact us to become a pilot customer.
Media contact:
Rebecca MacLeod
(206) 852-7403